News Archive
Open4Definition.org Launches Website
By B. Helton Aug 7, 2009
Open4Definition is pleased to announce the launch of its website. We are now in "soft launch" mode at Open4Definition.org. Over the next month we will - with the help of a solid core of early adopters and new recruits — test the site’s technical performance and take steps to improve the utility and clarity of the overall content.
We are a Societal Investment Organization focused entirely on achieving improvements through the wise application of definitions. Our goal is to enrich lives, improve processes and positively impact individual habits, beliefs, business precedence and the very foundational concepts of all that we do. The targets are fields where systematic changes in definitions can create a considerable and beneficial impact.
Select Open4Definition Project Teams are already underway and new ones are forming. This is an audacious experiment. Check out Resources >> Case Studies on our website for both examples plus initial and startling results from our Health & Healthcare Definition Team. These teams identify, test, market and then influence the implementation of unexpected, yet credible improvements in new or indiscriminately existing definitions. Ours is a minding bending experience. Definitions that have occurred haphazardly may now potentially be improved systematically and with forethought. Our members will gain uncommon insight and know-how by helping undercover hidden opportunities within the application of all-too-often overlooked definitions.