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HealthCARING: A Reset for Health and Healthcare

HealthCARING bookcover

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"Stop taking years from life,
and life from years."
-- Dr. Katz

Announcing the first book in the RESET series from Open4Definition!

HealthCARING: A Reset for Health and Healthcare
By B. Helton, co-founder of Open4Definition

From the back cover...

  • Activates Caring
  • Resets Your Health
  • Simplifies Healthcare

HealthCARING: A Reset for Health and Healthcare reveals a causal mechanism that's been hidden in plain sight yet guides daily life and behavior. Learn in a story-rich approach how:

  • Seemingly ordinary people reset the health behavior of millions, simply.
  • A healthcaring culture reenergizes healthy habits and better practices, extending the best years of our lives.
  • Improvement starts with one simple question: "Is this healthcaring?"

Every day more people become attuned to caring about their health, wellness and the healthcare system. They include mothers, maybe you and others, nutritionists, wellness advisers and most providers whom anyone would, if asked, call caring. As obvious "healthcarers" they share a characteristic that isn’t elusive, just underappreciated and inconclusive, until now: caring more than the norm, much more.

HealthCARING translates what we've long known about illness prevention and healthcare delivery into the power of routine action. Reset health mindsets and attitudes while tapping into positive human nature. Untangle all-too-often cryptic healthcare and mental health decisions. Redirect physicians, patients, providers, payers, prevention partners, pharmaceuticals, policy planners, plaintiffs, politicians and the public toward an all-embracing destination.

Bring health and wellbeing to life—including yours.

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